Ok, another post not related to the classical music genre at all, but in my opinion, music is music, good music is good music.
I had a major Frank Ocean session today. I mean his album Channel ORANGE was on repeat non-stop. I had heard a few songs of his before, but it was only today that his artistry and song-writing really touched me to the core. One song in particular was Bad Religion. I kept questioning why this song really spoke to me. The lyrics were deep, the melody was soulful. I pondered on it for a few hours, and in the dead of night, I remembered one other song that had touched me this way and almost made me cry: Coldplay's Fix You.
You know what they both have in common?
You know what they both have in common?
The Organ
Is this why? If you add everything up (great lyrics, good harmonies, a memorable melody), and stick the organ in, does it just add a completely new dimension to the song and give the listener that extra emotional nudge? I really REALLY think so!! Maybe it's because it's associated with the church... (Oh that's such a good musical pun. Using the organ in Bad Religion, man he's good) and to a lot of people, any place of worship has some emotional significance. It may also be the unique soothing, cantabile sound it can produce, it has this calm quality to it, but within the calmness, the vibrato within can really get you going.
I'm sure my organist friends will be digging this post- I'm finally getting the beauty of the organ. Maybe not in a "I-just-heard-Messiaen-and-fell-in-love-with-the-organ" kind of a way but oh well.
P.S- Added The Boxer Rebellion on there for fun, plus they're a great band.